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Off The Mat Blog

Core Matters…

Why is core strength so important?  A strong core is essential for our longevity and movement. No matter what we do during the day - whether we’re desk-bound, driving a
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Whose line is it anyway?

In the western world, the modern yoga that we practice today is very different from the classical yoga which has roots spanning over 2000 years. It’s part of the rich
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Yoga and Sport 

If you’re new to yoga and looking to see how yoga might assist your existing sports training, then you may be surprised to know just how helpful yoga can be
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Maggie’s Mini Yogathon

Hot on the heels of our Yogathon success, we held a Maggie’s yoga mini-marathon!  ‘Maggie’s Manchester’ is based at the Christie Hospital. It’s a centre to support those with cancer,
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Our annual Yogathon is back. For the last 9 years, our yogi community has pulled together to make this a highlight of the Yoga on the Edge calendar.  If you’ve
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Your place in the Sun

As the calendar turns to Spring, but the weather lags behind, you could be forgiven for daydreaming of sunnier days.  Yoga on the Edge specialise in healthy, nurturing retreats in
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Now as we turn our focus to the coming months and as January draws to a close, the first signs of Spring are starting to appear.  The ‘beginning of the
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28 Days Later 

What can you do in 28 days? As we begin a new year, we might reflect on the months gone by as well as setting intentions or making resolutions for
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Embrace Winter Wellness with Reiki: Nurturing Your Body, Mind, and Soul

As winter blankets our world, it's a time for introspection and self-care. The chilly months invite us to turn inward, focusing on our well-being and finding solace amidst the cold.
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New Season, New Challenges

We're turning our focus towards cosier days – warm clothes, woolly blankets, candle-light nights and other comforting ways to sustain ourselves through the colder days (and nights).  BUT it’s important
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Autumn Days

Autumn brings a promise of harvest, bounty and colour. For sun-seekers and summer-lovers, this seasonal shift can mark the slow slide towards winter days and long nights. For some of
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Yoga and Injury

Injuries can happen to us at any time. On or off the mat, and sometimes with far-reaching, even life-changing consequences.  More people are turning to yoga as part of their
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What to expect from your yoga class

At Yoga on the Edge we are always refining our timetable to make our classes as accessible as possible. With new members, new teachers, and new classes, it feels like
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The fun in fundraising…

One of the most important elements of what we do at Yoga on the Edge doesn’t feature much on our timetable. We don’t have a special page of the website
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Dealing with stress…

None of us are immune to stress. But the way we view stress, how we respond to it, and how much space it occupies in our minds and bodies can
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5 Ways To Spring Clean Your Practice

How about a few shifts to reinvigorate and energise your practice? Renew your energy on the mat and let it flow through all that you do. Here’s 5 easy ways
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World Book Day

World Book Day (March 2nd) is a charity-run endeavour to encourage the habit of reading for pleasure in children and young people. It’s now observed in over 100 countries around
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No Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions aren’t for everyone. Now that January is (finally) over, it raises the question: If you made New Year’s resolutions - have you kept any? Do you envisage
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Winter Solstice

December 21st is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere. It is the counterpart and opposite of the June 21st summer solstice and brings us to the final part of
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Winter Morning Warmers

Colder, darker months don’t always inspire us to leap out of bed and roll out the mat. But, with a few tips, you can build a routine for healthy, happy
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Gong Baths

Many of us love to step into a long, relaxing bath at the end of a hard day. Soaking in, allowing troubles, tensions and stresses and aches to melt away.
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Autumn Equinox

Well, it depends on who you ask! For some, autumn begins on September 1st - which is the start of autumn, meteorologically speaking. Its the time of new school term
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Yin is In

Workshops are a really important part of our program at Yoga on the Edge. It's an opportunity to really dive deep and immerse yourself into an aspect of your yoga
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Yoga to Beat the Heat

With a UK heatwave on the cards this week, it's a good time to consider how yoga can help to beat the heat. As summer stretches out before us, here's
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Summer Solstice

June brings with it the Summer Solstice. On the 21st June we reach the shortest night and the longest day. The solstices have long been a point of celebration, so why
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Yoga for mental health header graphic

Yoga for Mental Health

 It may be widely accepted that yoga improves flexibility and health of the body. But what about the mind?  In 2022 - post-lockdowns, modern society has a combination of stresses
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Community at our Core

At the core of Yoga on the Edge is the community we build. We want our studio space to act as a retreat from the outside world as well as
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(Why you can’t) Beat a Retreat

Fancy working on your asana for a weekend in Wales? How about a savasana on sun-kissed shores? You’re not alone…  Yoga retreats have exploded in popularity in recent years, and
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Good Intentions

Have you ever been sat on your mat, ready to start your yoga practice, when your teacher asks you to ‘set an intention’… only to have your mind go blank,
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Introducing A Beautiful Therapy

By Maria Pringle I’m so excited to meet some new faces, but before I do I thought I’d introduce myself and share my background story. My name is Maria, I’m
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What’s the Difference Between Stress & Anxiety?

By Sonia Morales, Integrative Health and Wellness. Mind Body Medicine What is stress and anxiety and when does it become an issue? In this post Sonia explores these topics as
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Cocktails & Canvas

With Kelly Conniff & The Hannah Whitley Foundation Cocktails ‘n’ Canvas aims to provide an easy way to enjoy art in a fun social setting
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What’s Your Yoga?

By Hazel Littlemore-Young Starting a new yoga class can be daunting, but to choose when you don’t know your elbow from your asana?
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Getting Back on The Mat: A Mental Health Check

By Natalie Phillips The idea of walking back into a studio can be quite daunting after a considerably long time in isolation. How do we cope and what lessons have
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Journey to Back Bends

By Clare Broomhead Clare writes about her journey to back-bending: The benefits, emotional comeuppances and physical challenges to the obtainment of these postures.
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How Reiki Helped Me Heal

By Ashleigh How this holistic therapy can and does help.
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The Theory Of 5 Elements

By Trisha Hills A glimpse into the theory of five elements, the qualities of Yin and Yang and the Meridian system.
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Recipe: Wild Orange Chocolate Ganache

By Kelly Mason A plant based recipe made using doterra wild orange oil. It's Vegan & Gluten free.
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What is Ashtanga?

By Calum Thomson An introduction to the history of the practice of ashtanga.
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Your Yoga Finds You

by Clare Broomhead There are so many different types of yoga practice available now, which is both incredible and can be truly daunting. It’s so important to commence your journey
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