Autumn Days

Autumn brings a promise of harvest, bounty and colour. For sun-seekers and summer-lovers, this seasonal shift can mark the slow slide towards winter days and long nights. For some of us it can feel cold and dreary as we mourn summer’s end. 

Whilst it’s important not to underestimate the effects that the changing seasons can have on mind and body, remember that with every ending, something new begins. We can try to find beauty in all the seasons – even if this one isn’t your favourite – as the wheel keeps turning, and we find ourselves in the next season of our life.

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Yoga and Injury

Injuries can happen to us at any time. On or off the mat, and sometimes with far-reaching, even life-changing consequences. 

More people are turning to yoga as part of their injury recovery, from total yoga-beginners, to professional athletes. 

So, could yoga benefit your recovery? You may already be feeling the benefits of yoga in your day-to-day life, but what about when you’re injured?

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