Yin is In

Workshops are a really important part of our program at Yoga on the Edge. It’s an opportunity to really dive deep and immerse yourself into an aspect of your yoga practice. We offer a wide range of specialised workshops from our experienced team of teachers. But we are also proud to host some of the most well-known names from around the yoga world. 

Next in our impressive line up is Dhugal Meachem. 

On September 10th, Dhugal will be arriving at Yoga on the Edge to lead you on a Yin workshop like no other…

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Good Intentions

Have you ever been sat on your mat, ready to start your yoga practice, when your teacher asks you to ‘set an intention’… only to have your mind go blank, or start worrying about the massive ‘to-do’ list you need to get through after your class, or what you’ll need to get for tea, or that you snapped at your partner on the way out of the house. No? Ok, you probably don’t need to read any further. 

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