By Hazel Littlemore-Young
Starting a new yoga class can be daunting, but to choose when you don’t know your elbow from your asana?
Journey to Back Bends
By Clare Broomhead
Clare writes about her journey to back-bending: The benefits, emotional comeuppances and physical challenges to the obtainment of these postures.
Your Yoga Finds You
by Clare Broomhead
There are so many different types of yoga practice available now, which is both incredible and can be truly daunting. It’s so important to commence your journey with an open enquiring mind, like the mind of a child.
Our Studio Philosophy
By Clare Broomhead
We do not ask our members to dedicate to practice every day, nor do we demand that you be a contortionist. We simply ask you to enter our space with willingness and open mind as you explore your practice, allowing your yoga to find you.