Join Ty Landrum for an immersive Ashtanga weekend workshop from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th April, hosted by Yoga Mcr. Over three days, delve into the subtleties of Hatha Yoga through breath-focused sessions exploring the dynamic interplay of prana and apana.
Friday 18th April (19.00–21.00)
Internal Alignment
When opposing patterns of breath align, the body and mind can release deeply held tension. In this session, you’ll be introduced to the visceral patterns of prana and apana, and explore how to bring these forces into alignment within the breathing body. Expect an engaging mix of philosophical insight and light somatic exploration.
Saturday 19th April
Black Lotus Vinyasa (10.00–12.00)
Practise a strong yet flexible vinyasa class based on the Black Lotus system. With variations to suit all abilities, expect to bend, sweat, laugh, and rekindle your love for vinyasa yoga.
Backbending (13.00–14.00)
Explore how backbending becomes a liberating experience when supported from within. Learn to work with the diaphragm, psoas, pelvic girdle, and obliques to create a long, supple spine capable of gracefully entering more challenging forms.
Folding and Twisting (14.30–16.00)
Discover how focusing on the exhale pattern of the breath supports deeper spinal movement in folds and twists. Work with postures from the Ashtanga syllabus, enhancing suppleness and stability by tapping into the natural rhythms of the breath.
Sunday 20th April
Black Lotus Vinyasa (10.00–12.00)
Return to the dynamic Black Lotus flow with another guided class that balances strength, exploration, and creativity. Variations are offered to accommodate a diverse range of practitioners.
The Secret Life of Standing Postures (13.00–14.00)
Uncover the hidden depth of seemingly simple standing postures. Each pose offers a unique stage for the interplay of prana and apana, revealing a richer, more profound practice when approached with attentive breath.
Meditation/Pranayama (14.30–16.00)
Conclude the weekend by delving into the powerful practice of pranayama—giving spaciousness to the breath and honouring the life energy within. Learn a transformative sequence you can integrate into your daily routine, followed by a deep, embodied meditation.