Maggie’s Mini Yogathon

Hot on the heels of our Yogathon success, we held a Maggie’s yoga mini-marathon! 

‘Maggie’s Manchester’ is based at the Christie Hospital. It’s a centre to support those with cancer, at any stage of their journey. Maggie’s offers practical support – such as financial advice – as well emotional support. This could range from talking support groups and helping to manage emotions, or how to have difficult conversations with loved ones.

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Now as we turn our focus to the coming months and as January draws to a close, the first signs of Spring are starting to appear. 

The ‘beginning of the end’ of winter is marked by Imbolc. In the turning of the wheel, following pagan traditions and celebrations, It’s the midway point between the winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox and it falls on the 1st-2nd of February. This is known as one of the ‘cross quarter’ festivals – these days mark the midway points between the main seasonal celebrations of the Spring/Autumn Equinoxes and Summer/Winter Solstices.

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28 Days Later 

What can you do in 28 days? As we begin a new year, we might reflect on the months gone by as well as setting intentions or making resolutions for the months ahead. These might not be sweeping, life-altering intentions – but they don’t always need to be – sometimes small shifts in your behaviour or thinking can be the beginning of something wonderful.

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